SPF= Sun Protection Factor Studies generally agree that SPF 15 filters
approximately 93% UVB rays, SPF 30 filters approximately 97% and SPF 50 a mere l % more filtration at 98%. . We therefore should be looking for how long the screen we choose remains effective on the skin.

Now that your educated on what the spf #'s mean you should be looking for a quality ingredient sunscreen VS scanning for the highest SPF number on the label. Preferably it's water resistant, moisturizing, nourishing, soothing and maybe even tinted. It's a good idea to buy your sunscreen before the weather warms to have on hand before you need
it. SPF YOUR KIDS. Consider picking up a bottle here at your next visit!
Implementing a spf into you skin care routine is a fantastic idea! So many facial products out there now include a spf factor to them SO it's easier than ever to protect yourself. personally like the tinted CC cream varieties from Purlisse & Supergoop.